23 January 2017

Photos from Tunisia

“Tunisia isn’t so known to the world with a good image, but it has many beauty hidden in it.”

Tunisia is my home, I was born in it and spent most of life among its people, it is hated by some and loved by others. True that it has some bad things, but they are mangeable and treatable but it requires more patient and lot of work.

I won’t speak about people, you can judge them the way you want it is up to you, but I am speaking about its natural ressources and the beautiful landscapes hidden in its territory.

It has more beauty than most of its people know, each weekend or whenever I can, I backup with my cameras and what i need for the trip and go where any means can take me, but trust me, this tiny place on the map of the world has so many secrets, I am even surprised by what i can find in it every day.

wherever I go, I take picture and never get too shy by taking photos no matter what people say, I respect people but if I see beauty I show it or tell people about it, feel free to surf on my website and judge Tunisia yourself don’t follow what others say about Arabs and Arabic lands.

Wish you all a wonderful day and may it get better for all of you.






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